Hello there, adventurous swimmer! I'm Professor Hoot! 🦉 Welcome to the Shimmering Sea! Your mission is to help guide our ocean friends home: Match jellyfish to their seaweed hideouts, 🪼 and help turtles find their cozy rock perches! 🐢 Click or tap to swim - and when your oxygen is getting low, double-tap to dive up and catch some fresh air! 🫧 Help five creatures find their homes to complete your quest. But stay curious: can you unravel all the mysteries of the Shimmering Sea? Get ready to dive into this wonderful adventure!
MAGShim_Atonal Crystal Chime Transition.Short x20_EM by newlocknew -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
Underwater Ambience by Kinoton -- -- License: Creative Commons 0
Mechanical Plastic Click 07 by SmallConfusion -- -- License: Attribution 4.0